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A god comes to the cape from the sea and descends to the mountain from the sky.
The deep and mythical stories have long existed in the southern part of Hirado Island,
which has been open to other countries since ancient times.


志々伎神社は志々伎山に上津宮うわつみや、平地に中津宮なかつみや邊都宮へつみや、宮之浦の海の小島が 沖津宮おきつみやとなっており、ここは十城別命の古墳とも言われている。美しい風景とともに時代に翻弄され忘れられたかのように沖津宮は佇む。

(*1) 山アテ: 海上から山を目標にして船や自分たちの所在を知ること。

With its location overlooking the Genkainada Sea to the north and the East China Sea to the west, the southern part of Hirado Island has a long history as a center of interaction with abroad and a hub of maritime transportation since ancient times. It was also a port of call for Japanese envoys to Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty China.
Mt. Shijiki, a sacred mountain in the southern part of Hirado, was a landmark for navigation along the sea and for fishing grounds due to its distinctive appearance.


平戸南、沖ノ島の右手の小浦を唐使の浦(トウシナホ)と呼ばれている。 遣隋使・遣唐使の寄港地でもあったためであろう。この付近南路の港となった宮之浦からは、石製のいかり(碇石)が発見されており、 現在平戸市役所の横に陳列されている。大陸との関係を物語る薩摩塔さつまとうと呼ばれる珍しい石塔もある。ここ平戸南は異国に開かれた最前線であった。

Tokiwake-no-mikoto, who was stationed to guard the West Sea at the beginning of the 3rd century, is enshrined at Shijiki Shrine on Mt. Shijiki. Shijiki Shrine consists of Uwatsumiya Shrine on Mt. Shijiki, Nakatsumiya Shrine and Hetsumiya Shrine on the plain, and Okitsumiya Shrine on a small island in the sea at Miyanoura. Okitsumiya Shrine stands in the sea, seemingly tossed about and forgotten by the times, along with its beautiful scenery.


1609年、平戸港にオランダ船が来航し、オランダ商館が設けられる。オランダ人相手の貿易量は1630年代に入って飛躍的に増大する。また、平戸からは朱印船も出航した。 平戸の商人は取引を通じてオランダ東インド会社の資本主義的思想や、複式簿記会計などの優れた経理・事務に触れる機会もあったと思われる。1641年には幕府の命令でオランダ商館が⻑崎に移され、海禁政策もあいまって平戸の800年にわたる海外貿易港としての歴史は幕を閉じる事となる。

Hirado's status as a free port city may be traced back to the medieval period when it traded with China before it traded with the Netherlands and Portugal. In 1609, Dutch ships arrived in Hirado and a Dutch trading post was established. The city prospered as an overseas trading port for 100 years until 1641.

自然と風土Nature and Vernacular


A beautiful, untouched landscape that has been protected as a sacred place for a long time.
A cultural heritage that the ancient prayers of people living with the sea continue to live on.


日本海と東シナ海を繋ぐ対馬海峡の一部をなし、朝鮮東岸を南下する寒流・リマン海流と日本列島南岸を東進する黒潮が分流して日本海に流れ込む暖流・対馬海流が出会うことから、両海域の様々な魚種が回遊する。気候的にも冬期には気温が0度前後まで下がるため、冬場に適当な寒さを好む鮪、鯖や鰯の成魚、スルメイカなども多く来遊する。団扇海老うちわえびも人気が高い。また出入りが多い磯海岸は 近年、磯焼けが問題となっているが多くの魚介類を育む沿岸環境を形成しており、鮑、ウニ、海藻をとる海女さんたちも活躍している。豊かな海を舞台に生きる人々の物語とともにある平戸島部。漁業にまつわる祭りも多く行われる。

Southern part of Hirado Island where the tides cross and bring rich seafood

It is part of the Tsushima Strait connecting the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. Here the Liman Current, a cold current flowing southward from the east coast of Korea, meets the Tsushima Current, a warm current flowing into the Sea of Japan. The Tsushima Current is a splitted current from the Kuroshio Current, which flows eastward in the southern coast of the Japanese archipelago. There are various species of fish, such as tunas, mackerels, sardines, and squids brought in from both currents.
Fan lobsters are popular as well. Female divers lively catch abalones, sea urchins, and seaweed. The southern part of Hirado Island is always filled with stories of people living around the rich sea.



*アマモ場: 日本中の波の静かな内海・内湾域の砂泥域に繁茂する海草であるアマモやコアマモ等から構成される藻場。産卵場や幼稚仔魚の保育場を提供するとても大切な場所。

Shijiki Bay

Located at the southernmost tip of Hirado Island and the southern end of the west coast, the bay is open to the East China Sea, while the Tsushima Current flows northward offshore. It is located inside the Saikai National Park. Eelgrass beds can be seen in the back side of the bay, and more than 200 species of fish, including flatfish and sea bream, can be seen throughout the year. Eelgrass beds are found in the sandy and muddy areas of quiet inland seas and bays throughout Japan. They are very important places providing spawning grounds and nursery grounds for fish hatchling.



Kami/Shimo Ajika Island

At the north offshore of Shijiki Bay are Ajika Islands, which have become nests for seabirds, and also home to natural treasures such as wood pigeons, ospreys, and pacific swifts. The islands are surrounded by columnar cliffs dozens of meters high. Natural communities of the subtropical plant Livistona can be found south of here.



Jyoudan Grassland

A gently rolling grassland at an elevation of about 190 meters, presenting a splendid view of the Shijiki Bay and Mt. Shijiki.


「海=俗界」「陸=異界」という海人の意識を反映している行事が、平戸島の南端・志自岐(志々伎)神社の例大祭である。 原初の形態は志々伎山を神体・神域とする形で辺都宮と沖都宮の二社で構成され、平安後期頃、神域だった山中に密教寺院が建立される過程で中宮と上宮が成立したと思われる。 ヤマド祭を含めた例大祭は、近世以降の神道祭祀以前の古いカミマツリのあり方を残しているが、その思想的基層には、海=俗界、山(陸)=神界(異界)という認識に立って志々伎山を神として崇拝する古い海人の意識が存在しているのである。非常に珍しい祭りであり、今日の相撲の原型と言われる古代相撲の儀式も最後に行われる。

Shijiki Shrine and Yamado Festival

The annual festival of the Shijiki Shrine at the southern edge of Hirado Island reflects the fishermen's awareness that the sea is the mundane world, and the land is the other world. The annual festival, including Yamado-Matsuri, preserves old styles of Shinto shrine festival that existed before the early modern period.
There exists the ancient fishermen's consciousness of worshiping Mt. Shijiki as their god. The ancient sumo ritual, which is said to be the prototype of today's sumo, is also performed at the end of this very unique festival.



Ebisu Festival

Ebisu is enshrined all over Hirado Island, where the sea is a place of livelihood and fishing is a way of life. Ebisu is a god who comes from the other world and brings good fortune. Whales, whale sharks, killer whales, stones in fishnets, and floating drowned bodies are also called Ebisu. During the festival, Okagura, a formal Shinto dancing ritual, is also performed at the shrine.

現在-未来Present - Future


Fukuda's Sake
Filled with smiles like a “smiling mountain”
Renowned like a crane flying gracefully far away.


I am now the 15th owner of Fukuda Brewery, and I have spent the past year thinking about the future of Fukuda Brewery. Ultimately I have decided to create a new website and a new logo. The website features the background of Fukuda Brewery and the vernacular of the southern part of Hirado, where our sake is produced. The logo has been redesigned for the next era while inheriting Fukuda's history.


Hirado has been a place of international exchange since ancient times, and was the first place in Japan where new things and ideas reached from abroad. By the 15th century, its name was already known throughout the world. There are traces of interaction with China and Korea. Before Dejima in Nagasaki city was established, a Dutch trading spot was established in Hirado, and Dutch, Portuguese, English, and various other foreigners lived here freely. Hirado has always been a place where cutting-edge culture was brought in.


In this context, we asked an art director with close ties to the Netherlands to direct the entire project, design the logo, and provide photos. The Netherlands is advanced in design which values diversity with a clear concept. We asked for an art director who has both Western and Asian perspectives because we have a future vision of presenting Fukuda Brewery from Hirado to the world, utilizing Fukuda's history and traditions that have continued for about 300 years, with perspectives from other countries. Tradition is a continuation of innovation.


Our website features the deep history of southern Hirado, its scenery of rich nature and the sea, along with the beautiful photographs. The nature and history unique to this area have nurtured and produced Fukuda's sake. The continuation of this rich nature is essential to the continuation of Fukuda's sake.



Our logo incorporates the sacred mountain Mt. Shijiki, the symbol of Hirado which I have seen and climbed since I was a child. The unique shape of Mt. Shijiki has been an icon of our ancestors who have lived by the sea since the Jomon period. Overlaying the Mt. Shijiki based logo design is a crane, which our ancestors used as a symbol.
Crane is a migratory bird passing through Hirado and people say it brings good luck. We have been using it as our logo of Fukuda Brewery because we have heard a story that a crane descended at our brewery from the sky. By using Mt. Shijiki and a crane as symbols of our new logo, we hope that we will be able to make sake with smiles and pleasure like Mt. Shijiki, where it is said that the greenery of the mountains full of life in spring is like a "smiling mountain", and that our name Fukuda Brewery will be known across the sea like a crane flying gracefully far away with its wings spread.

We would like to respect this environment together with the beautiful rich sea and nature in the southern part of Hirado, and brew Fukuda's sake that makes people smile.